Thursday, September 24, 2009


This is 13 years old Mr. Mohammad.His family noticed him as abnormal body structure
( forward bending of body).So they came to PRSP for orthotic treatment for him.On assessment it came to know that the patient is studying QURAN since age of 5 on same position.

The position which patient use to study for books

According to patient's parent When the patient became age of 9, then abnormal posture of spine was more visible. They consult with physician and physiotherapist still the abnormal posture was visible.

On assessment the patient has kyphosis, cobb's angle was 46 degree at apex of 9th thoracic vertebra, right lower limb shortening by 2 cm. TLSO- Boston overlap brace low profile (Three point pressure system) with posterior opening was prescribed.
Further procedure were proceed.

Prosthetist and orthotist (ICRC) evaluating the TLSO from frontal view

The patient is on sitting position with TLSO

Posterior view of TLSO

The patient with prosthetist and orthotist
The patient and patient's parents were educated regarding appliance TLSO, especially donning and doffing, reviewing etc.


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