This is 35 years old Mr. Mohammad usman . He got crushed injury on his both lower limb below knee while he was working on machine. Lt. leg was badly injured and operation was done to save his life from further complication.Lt.Trans femoral amputation was done at level of distal one third level.
He was noticed to the PRSP center for prosthesis. He was already using prosthesis but due to shortening of prosthesis and pain at distal end of stump, he hardly used prosthesis 2 hours a day.
On examination patient stump was swollen, distal end of the stump was light blackish and hip flexion contracture 7 degree.On prosthesis assessment it was found that prostheis height was less by 3 cm and distal end circumference of the socket was less.
After assessment, Lt. transfemoral proshtesis (Otto Bock Modular) was prescribed with laminated quadrilateral socket, suction valve, single axis 3R22 extension assist knee joint , SACH foot and other necessary component.
On examination patient stump was swollen, distal end of the stump was light blackish and hip flexion contracture 7 degree.On prosthesis assessment it was found that prostheis height was less by 3 cm and distal end circumference of the socket was less.
After assessment, Lt. transfemoral proshtesis (Otto Bock Modular) was prescribed with laminated quadrilateral socket, suction valve, single axis 3R22 extension assist knee joint , SACH foot and other necessary component.
The patient was advised to have bandage regularly as well as raising of affected limb during sleeping. Using medium size pillow just below the stump in prone position.It was educated to the patient attendant also.
The appliance was fitted to the patient and trained for gait. After 5 days of gait training the patient walked nicely.

The patient was quite happy with this prosthesis as he felt comfortable and no pain at all compre to previous.
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