This is 76 years old Mr.Fateh khan.He was fall down and left upper limb humerus( distal one third) was fractured. The conservative management was done.The patient was referred to PRSP for orthotic management.

The of left humerus fracture ( distal one third)
The assessment was done and it was found that patient has slight swollen just above the left elbow. The left upper limb range of motion were disturbed due to pain. Sensation was intact.
Fractured at distal end of the humerus ( radiological review)

Humerus fracture brace with elbow on 90 degree
After assessment the
Humerus fracture brace( Bi valved) with elbow on 90 degree was prescribed

The patient with Humerus fracture brace ( side view)

The with Humerus fracture brace ( front view)

The patient and patient attendants were educated about using to appliance. The patient was quite happy and feeling comfortable.
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